How to obtain a letter of financial guarantee

Obtained a letter of financial guarantee to provide an electronic application via e-scholarship portal management services within the electronic location of the university (completed), where this is done by clicking on the icon (emission) appears underneath icon (create an order) by clicking the screen appears on the left side has the words: Select Action required .. And clicking on the drop-down menu appears with several options, including (a financial guarantee) by clicking on it opens a new page with a form of financial security is filled with blank fields with appropriate information and attach the required documents and then sent to the President direct (Head of Section) for approval and sent to the head of the authority for approval and sent to the Department Missions to be sure of the validity of the procedures and conditions are met and attach all required documents and approval by the supervisor of the mission management, and are then printed by the applicant.

Last Update
5/3/2011 9:10:45 AM