How to follow-up e-transactions Scholarship

Scholarship-mail system allows employees to electronically follow-up treatment, and this property is one of the advantages of this system, which aims to complete the procedures for transactions of scholarship readily and easily and without costing them the trouble of those who review
Undergoing treatment ..

Employee can follow him and know who they had reached through the system .. By following the following:

. Entry was posted on King Abdulaziz University.

Select. "Electronic management systems."

* Enter your user name and password for electronic administration, which is given to the employee by the Deanship of Information Technology

To help get the password .. Is contact your college or Data Management.

• After entering the employee on the page appears with several choices at the top horizontal and vertical on the right side of the page.

The contestants are selected (scholarship) from the vertical list of options on the right side of the page.

• After the show page Balaptaat.

* Search in: "Inbox" of the transactions you have received.

* Search in: "Outbox" of transactions, which sent ...

* When you opened the "Outbox" will show you the following data:

No. demand possession of the applicant the type of data the employee on the date of application

* Under "possession" shows you the name of the body that reached your transaction.
• If you do not find the transaction in: "Inbox" or "Outbox" .. Look her in the "follow-up requests."
* When you open the box "follow orders" you will find the words "signed" any application has been signed, or "rejected" if the request is denied.
* If your transaction request scholarship open the application by clicking on the name or number of the application .. Etc..
After opening the request, press box "data required" and then answer the written questions, and completed the required forms and release party .. And see the mission management to open the file and the issuance of executive decision.
* If your transaction request a financial guarantee you can print a letter of financial security by opening "follow orders" and open the request and then find the highest demand on the left of the icon "to print a letter of financial security" by clicking on it shows you the letter of guarantee in English, and ordered to print ..
* Before you print the letter added to the page settings from the "File" and clear the boxes of any type in the page header and footer. And adjust the print margins of the letter is printed on one page.

* If your transaction request to extend the scholarship or scientific mission or trip, or change the University ... Etc., you can print the decision to open fund "follow orders" and open the request and then find the highest demand on the left from Icon "administrative decision" by clicking on it shows you the resolution, and ordered to print ..

Last Update
2/1/2011 10:50:31 AM