
The disposal of tickets for the scholarship and his family who accompany him once a year if the emitting to the city with an airport, according to the provisions of Article XXIII of the Rules of the scholarship and training for employees of universities and amended by the Council of Higher Education No. 14/61/1431 dated 26/10 / 1431 where the identified cases that distract the tickets for the scholarship, P "paid to the scholarship, and Wife, and his minor children and unmarried daughters, and his mother headed religiously airplane tickets as follows:

1 - tickets in economy class and one-way from his office to the headquarters of his studies.
2 - tickets for travel in economy class at the end of each academic year, back and forth from theheadquarters his study to his headquarters .
3 - a ticket in economy class round-trip when his scientific journey.
4 - If you can not travel to air transport between his headquarters to the headquarters of his studies when his scientific journey he shall be compensated compensation equivalent to the value of travel by public transport.

Last Update
5/3/2011 9:57:30 AM