
 The first item:


The training and scholarship department aims at providing the university's faculty  with chances to obtain higher degree and  develop their  academic, administrative and technical skills to meet  the university's needs.


 The scholarships and training committee



The second item:


A permanent committee will  be established in the university formed by the university council  and headed  by the university's deputy for graduate studies and academic research .The committee's recommendations should be submitted to the university after being accredited by the university president.


The third item:


The committee of scholarship and training have many areas of interests, especially the following:

1. constituting the policy of scholarships

2. constituting the annual plan for the faculty's training  and scholarships after coordinating with  the affiliated institutions

3. considering the faculties' and the institutes'  recommendations about the teachers and lecturers   who are to be awarded the scholarships in addition to  coordinating between the different councils in the light of the annual plan taking into consideration the following :

3.1. The number of the Saudi faculty and their portion compared to the non Saudi faculty in addition to their specializations and teaching loads.

3.2. The number of the awarded students, the date of their return and their specializations.


 4. recommending the awarding of the faculty and  others  according to the university's plan.

5. deciding on stretching or terminate the scholarship depending on the university's council and affiliated institutions.

6. Recommending the training of the university's employees

7. follow up with the awardees academic situations in coordination with the affiliated institutions .A report on the awardees academic situation will be submitted to the university's council.

8. preparing an annual detailed report on the situation of  scholarships and training situation on the level of the departments, faculties and administration which to be submitted to the university's council.



Awarding the lecturers and the teaching assistants




The fourth item:


1. for master degree  only

2. for PhD degree only

3. for both master and PhD degrees  taking into consideration the 7th article in item number three

4. the board for medical students


The scholarship requirements


The fifth item:


The lecturers  studying in Saudi Arabia  or abroad should be:

1.a citizen of Saudi Arabia

2. has spent at least one year in the university that he had officially was appointed in and worked according to its regulations

3. to receive admission for an academically accredited university

4. the female students  should be escorted by a man related to her (muhram) during the entire period of study

5. the age of the masters program student should not exceed 30 and 35 for the lectures

6. to make sure that he will work for the university for a period equals that he had spent studying abroad



The length of the scholarships


The sixth item:

The awarding inside and abroad is determined by the university's council depending on recommendations from the department, the faculty or the institute and any other institutions .The decision includes the degree, the major and the minor specializations as well as the length of the scholarship according to the 7th item and the regulations of the university he/she was accepted in .


The seventh item


The length of the studying period should cover the  following:

1 year to study the language, it could be extended to be two  years according to the university's council decision

2 years for the master degree

3 years for the PhD degree or any other equivalent major except for the medicine which its length is determined by the host university.


The eighth item


The awardees should travel to the host country after the executive decision is issued .The decision would be called off if the student  doesn't travel to the host country within three months after the date of the decision


The ninth item:

Paying for the   students begins right upon his/her arrival to the country provided that time between his/her arrival and the beginning of the study does not exceed one month.





The tenth item:


The university council can extend the length of the study as for one year for the master degree and two for the PhD or medical board degrees. The council can also add another year as a maximum period for each period after presenting the justifications   

These decisions are made according to the student's supervisor decision and department or the faculty's councils in addition to the scholarships and training committee. As for the abroad scholarships and awards the cultural attaché in the host country should support the supervisor's opinion.






Change the specialization or transfer from the university:


Item eleven:

The student cannot and by any circumstances change or get transferred from his/her major or minor specialization unless approval is given by the university's council according to department or the faculty's councils in addition to the scholarships and training committee. If he/she changed his /her major before the decision is released, the scholarship would be terminated.


Item twelfth:


  The student  cannot and by any circumstances  get transferred to another university or country  unless approval  is given by the university's council according to department or the faculty's councils in addition to the scholarships and training committee As for the abroad scholarships and awards the cultural attaché in the host country should support the supervisor's opinion.




The stipends:


Item thirteenth:

The student is given a stipend similar to that given to the state's employees who are studying abroad.  The female student's escort (muhram) is assigned the similar amount paid for the student's wife.




The dispatched student who receives another scholarship from a different institution is only given half of the salary assigned to his/her peers










The scientific expeditions:


The student can receive money for only one scientific expedition during the studying track under abroad eor inside the kingdom under the following conditions:

1. The supervisor should recommend that the  student needs this expedition

2. The approval of the cultural attaché

3. The approval of the department or the faculty's councils in addition to the committee of   scholarships and training.

4. The expedition should not exceed three months

5. if the expedition was inside the kingdom,  the dispatched student should commence his /her work under the supervision of  his/her department which has to write a comprehensive report about the expedition.

6. If the expedition was abroad, the supervisor  should submit a report about the expedition to the cultural attaché who will provide the university with a copy of it.



                                                                           The   travel tickets:


The dispatched student   abroad   receives a first class travel ticket as the following rules suggest:

1. The single dispatched student not accompanied by his family:

a. a single direction ticket to the host family

b. a round trip ticket from the host country to the kingdom after spending one academic year in order to spend his/her annual  break.

c. a round trip ticket from the host country in order to undertake the scientific expeditions.

d. a round trip ticket inside the host country in order to conduct researches or sit for exams provided that the travel distance is over 100 km

e. a round trip ticket from the host country to the kingdom in case of the death of one parent or a children or spouse of the dispatch.


 h. a single direction travel ticket to the kingdom after graduation or completion the period of study.


2. Married dispatched student escorted by his/her family:

The dispatched student along his  spouse and minor children and unmarried daughters and his/her mother  receive tickets refereed to in items a, b, c, e and h in the first article in item 16.




The dispatched student receives a round trip ticket to attend conferences and scientific symposiums or short term courses during a single semester according to the following regulations:

1. The conference or the symposium's subject should in direct relation to the student's major or subject of research.

2. Approval should be given by the committee of training and scholarships according to supervisor's recommendations and support form the cultural attaché as for the abroad scholarships.


The national scholarships:


The national level scholarship is given in the following cases:


1 from one academic institution to another in different places

2. from one academic institution to another in the same city.

3. from one branch to another inside a single institution but located in two different places.





The  student awarded a national scholarship  is excepted to perform   a number of administrative and teaching assignments that are suitable for his/her major provided that these assignments will not affect his academic performance and depending to what is best for the department.




The department is allowed to undertake on academic trip inside or outside the kingdom only for one time during the semester according to the following regulations:

1. The supervisor should recommend the need for the trip

2. The approval of department or the faculty's councils in addition to the scholarships and training committee

3. The period of the expedition should not exceed three months





The student receives a stipend and travel expenses



The student studying in a different city receives travel expenses




The student, spouse and unmarried children and mother receive the following tickets:

1. Single direction first class tickets from the student's work place to study place.

2. Round trip first class ticket at the end of each academic year

3. If air transportation was inaccessible, the student will be given some money as compensation similar to that paid for public transportation



The student receives one month salary at the beginning of every academic year except for the cases of extension.



The MA student receives 3000 SR for typing and covering   the thesis while the ph. D student receives 4000 for the same purposes.




The student who studies inside the university in the same location is treated equally with the other students.



The termination of the scholarships and the stipends



The scholarship ends when the student ends his study period or in case the student changed the major with the approval of the council.





The university's council can terminate the student's scholarship according to the department's or the faculty's  council recommendations in addition to the committee of scholarships and training recommendations in the following cases:

1. Inability of finishing the study according to the reports submitted about his/her academic progress.

2. Request to come back to the country

3. Disobey the regulations and rules of the host university

4. was not able to obtain the degree in the assigned time

5. If he stopped studying with out eligible excuse.



The dispatched cannot leave the campus of the university, inside or outside the kingdom, unless the university's council approved his/her departure.  In case the student came back with the permission, the rules in articles 1 or 2 from item 30 will be implemented.



In case the council approved the student's scholarship termination, it can do the following:

1. Decide to close his/her file in the university no later than one year from his/her departure.

2. Give him/her an administrative job, in case the university needs him/her.

3. keep his/her job at the university and decide when he/she can resume his/her study provided that it does not exceed two years.  In case the student violated the terms articles 1 or 2 will be implemented on him.




The student's wife(s) and children who can accompany him are subject to the rules and regulations


Scholarships and training for the university's employees

The employee should:

1. Hold the Saudi nationality

2. No older than 40 years old. The university council can exclude this condition

3. Achieved "good" average at the BA at least

4. Have spent two years at the university.  T he medical doctors are excluded from this condition as they can obtain scholarships after working for only one year.

5. There should be a direct relation between the employee's specialization and the scholarship's specialization

6. Have achieved an average of very good in the last professional assessment reports

7 .receive admission from an accredited university

8. Female student has to be escorted by a lawful companion "muhram".




The same regulations for the university's faculty scholarships should be observed by the university's employees as in items 32 and 36




The student cannot enroll for two programs in the university at the same time.




 Training of the university's employees

The employee should:

1. Hold the Saudi nationality

2. Have spent two years at the university.  The medical doctors are excluded from this condition as they can obtain scholarships after working for only one year.

3. To have a good mastery of the language of the training course.

4. The program should aim at enhancing the employees skills and abilities that the current or the future job needs

5. The employee's department should nominate him/her to receive the training .It should also specify the work that the employee is expected to perform after the training program.

6. There should be a direct relation between the employee's specialization and the scholarship's specialization

7. Have achieved an average of very good in the last professional assessment reports

8 .receive admission from an accredited university

9. Female student has to be escorted by a lawful companion "muhram".






Training and scholarships are determined by the university's council after receiving a recommendation from the employee's department and the training and scholarships' committee .The scholarship's decision includes the academic degree, the minor specialization, major specialization and the host university.



The university's employees are privileged with the same financial stipend that the other state's employees have


The general laws



Each university issues the necessary executive rules to carry out the regulations




All not included in the above list is treated according to the kingdom's rules and regulations




The above list is legitimate since the date of issuing .It cancels all the previously legitimated items. The university's council is responsible for correcting the dispatched student's situations that were dispatched at the time of issuing the above list and have exceeded the legal time of the scholarship.



The higher education council is the only legitimate source that can explain the above items

Last Update
6/22/2010 12:23:32 PM