
 Graduation is intended for scholarship on the degree of scientific scholarship for which the master's or doctoral or medical fellowship or termination of the training program successfully.

If the scholarship received a degree or completed the required training program successfully, it is shut down financial allocations in the country of the scholarship. Terms of Article XXVII of the Rules of the scholarship and training for employees of universities that: "Stop Benefits scholarship by obtaining a degree ...".

And is shutting down its allocations from the date of obtaining a degree, even if not over a period of emitting one who is emitted for a period of two years to study the masters and get them in as is the case in Britain and Australia .. The second year is considered null and void after graduation and is not right because the term granted scholarship to study is not a birthright, but it has been given to be able to get through on the pitch.

The system gave the scholarship for a full month after the date of graduation ends which travel arrangements and return to the homeland and direct its work the university as stated in Article XXIV of the Rules of the scholarship of staff: "The employee scholarship to return to the UK during the month of the date of the end of the study , and he has to start work within ten days of his arrival. "

It is not the right scholarship to stay at school after the graduation date more than a month. What some scholarships of waiting for the delivery date of the certificate and which may extend to three months is a mistake, and the period in excess of the month, granted to him after graduation are absent from work. It is recognized that the certificate is sent to the owner's address via e-mail there is no need to wait until they are issued.

Sufficient and a letter from the registration desk University (Completion Letter), explaining that the scholarship completed all requirements of the study and obtained a degree. The speech gets scholarship when he finishes his delivery in its final procedures for amendments and corrections required by the Commission for discussion.

And must be on the scholarship-winning Degree and finished a training program to submit a request out electronically, and attach the benefit graduating (Completion Letter), to complete the procedures for the issuance and implementation of the graduation decision Mbacherth Public management and the closure of the missions.

Last Update
5/3/2011 9:44:03 AM